
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cells are the smallest unit of life, all living things are made of cells, and cells themselves are alive. Multicellular organisms can be made up of hundreds of trillions of cells, these cells perform different functions. For example, in humans we have thousands of variations on the main categories of cells. These main categories include types like; epithithium, nervous, mesenchymal, lymphocyte, melanocyte, neuroendocrine. Less complex organisms are made up of fewer cells or may be unicellular which means they consist of only one cell! I think this video is a beautiful introduction to the world of cells. I hope that it clears up some misconceptions that people have about cell, though I think the important lesson is that cells are both component parts of larger living organisms and they are individual units of life. Cells are important, like the life forms they combine to create, they undergo specific processes, have genetic material and attempt to pass that genetic material to future generations through the process of reproduction. There is no more grand a mystery than the cells of our own body. It is hard to imagine the vastness let along the endless wonder and inquiry that these tiny organisms bring out. In the area of STEM there is nothing more relevant than the study of the cell. The cell can serve as a foundational focus for all areas of STEM– science, technology, engineering and math - and the culmination of this study and the compilation of knowledge unmistakably has the potential to truly affect our 21st century world. I hope that you find this video as captivating as I do. I found it to be entertaining, educational and most importantly it stimulated my curiosity and just made me want to know more!


  1. Truly beautiful and awe inspiring! 100 trillion cells in the human!

  2. Nice video! Do you have any thoughts about it that you could add to this post?
